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BRDCST 2017 ► 2024
BRDCST pre-show with Autechre’s unique signature sound
One of our favorite sound/noise fetishists and almost a regular opening act at all Autechre concerts. Hans Ulrich Obrist (Artistic Director of London's prestigious Serpentine Galleries) once described Russell as: 'A National Treasure.' And when Steve Beckett (co-founder of Warp) was asked “what the label would like to do - were it not for practical or financial constraints - evidencing the critical impact of Russell's work” he replied: “I'd be TV advertising Russell Haswell albums during Big Brother.” Delicious! Just like his most 'popular' album 'Satanstornade' (which received the catalog number WARP 666), a collaboration with the Japanese noise master Merzbow. The best review we ever read about this: "Play this to a Slipknot fan and watch his head fall off." FUN!
21:00 > AUTECHRE (UK)
De Morgen on Autechre’s performance in Belgium in 2016: "Autechre unleashed confetti cannons, streamers, glitter balls, and wacky singalongs on a jolly Ghent audience that spontaneously started a conga. Only joking."
True AE fans already knew this, of course, as the track sinistrailAB air from the phenomenal four-part, eight-hour-long NTS Sessions was an obvious hint regarding their dream wish: AE are coming to AB!
Autechre (pronounced ‘Autecker’ /ɔːˈtɛkər/) will inaugurate the BRDCST festival with a full pre-show. And we’re proud of that, as musical contrariness is an integral part of the DNA of AE and BRDCST alike.
For over 35 years, AE has been inimitable with their bouncy electronica, which is complex, abstract, dark, cubist, and funky all at the same time. His latest two-parter, SIGN and PLUS (2020) has been described by Stereogum as “some of the most human music they’ve ever made”.
Their last visit to Belgium was back in 2016. De Standaard wrote then: “Live, Autechre remains pure avant-garde: challenging, breathtaking and inspiring.” The Guardian said of their latest UK tour: “Autechre’s live environment is liable to switch at any moment from dreamscape to nightmare. It’s futuristic music made of sonic ruins – fragments unearthed from the darkness. - ****”
Fun fact
Sean Booth (AE) on their band name: “The name came about when we were working on an Atari. The first two letters were intentional, because there was an 'au' sound inthe track, and the rest of the letters were bashed randomly on the keyboard. We had this track title for ages, and we had written it on a cassette, with some graphics. It looked good, and we began using it as our name."