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KETCLUB: Yevgueni
Looking for a fun activity to share with your (grand-/god-/neighbour’s)child? Forget the amusement park or the playgroup: AB provides a rock-’n’-rollicking alternative in the form of KETCLUB
KETCLUB, that means child-sized actual concerts. AB provides the “maskes” and “ketjes” (Brussels dialect for girls and boys) with an authentic concert experience, similar to a regular show for adults. Bands play a shorter set than usual and we lower the volume to 90 dB for sensitive children’s ears. A unique outing in a warm setting. Entertainment assured!
After Girls in Hawaii and Puggy, Yevgueni now also adds a KETCLUB concert to their anniversary show. On this exact day, 25 years ago (9 February 2000), Klaas Delrue, Geert Noppe and Maarten Van Mieghem won the Interfaculty Song Festival at the KU Leuven. Back then, they were still called Evguenie Sokolov, after Serge Gainsbourg‘s slightly hilarious instrumental of the same name. The first prize was a support-act spot at Student Welcome on the Oude Markt. They looked at each other and all thought the same thing: “We’re on our way!”
The rest is nothing less than a boyhood dream that has kept going for a quarter century. On their CV: seven studio albums. Three times gold. Around 100,000 copies sold. Four MIA nominations. One Flemish Culture Prize for Music. 750 Concerts. And too many singles for a ‘Best Of’ album.
To exuberantly celebrate 25 years of Yevgueni, the band comes to AB for ◄◄ REWIND: Yevgueni plays Kannibaal (2005). After all, their debut album blew a new fresh wind through cabaret, with compelling songs and excellent production, something they continued to do throughout their fine career. And because celebrating a quarter century of Yevgueni could never be exuberant enough, the band added on a ‘Best Of’ show.
The icing on the cake is the KETCLUB version of this ‘Best Of’ with all their greatest hits. Start practising!