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Puggy's KETCLUB in aid of Kick Cancer
Looking for a fun activity to share with your (grand-/god-/neighbour’s)child? Forget the amusement park or the playgroup: AB provides a rock-’n’-rollicking alternative in the form of KETCLUB
KETCLUB, that means child-sized actual concerts. AB provides the “maskes” and “ketjes” (Brussels dialect for girls and boys) with an authentic concert experience, similar to a regular show for adults. Bands play a shorter set than usual and we lower the volume to 90 dB for sensitive children’s ears. A unique outing in a warm setting. Entertainment assured!
After Girls in Hawaii last year, Puggy adds a 4th concert – in KETCLUB format – to their 4 (already long sold-out) shows at AB. The concert will be in the afternoon of Sunday 29 September.
The members of Puggy decided to connect their first KETCLUB with KickCancer. KickCancer has a fantastically fine mission: to heal all children with cancer. They do this not only by financing research, but also by connecting people in order to promote research. Seeing as KETCLUB is (almost) exclusively geared toward children, it was abundantly clear to Puggy that they should choose KickCancer as their charity: they figured that creating an event focusing on music and children would be the best way to contribute to this initiative that they feel strongly about. All proceeds from the concert will go to KickCancer.
Adult companions pay for a ticket to KETCLUB and may bring up to 2 children with them for free. Unaccompanied youngsters aged between 12-18 years old can attend the show and need a paid ticket to access the performance. Adults not accompanying a child may not purchase a ticket.
Concert pictures © Lucinde Wahlen