AB’s heart goes out to inspiring projects and organisations that make a difference.
Every year, we raise a lot of money to support good causes. The cause we’ve supported the longest is Kom Op Tegen Kanker. That collaboration began in 2010 and will continue as long as it is needed. In 2022, we exceeded the milestone of 1 million euros collected.
In 2022, we launched our own fund, under the flag of Solidarity Ticket. We think it’s a must to make our concerts more accessible. That’s why we collect money through the fund and pump our own resources into the Solidarity Ticket. Via various partner organisations, we give people in poverty the chance to catch a concert by their favourite artists for free, or at a greatly reduced rate.
Previously too, we have partnered with other organisations or supported initiatives that we believe in. Take a dip into our past if you want to know more about the projects that AB has put its shoulder to the wheel for:
Fundraising for Straatverplegers VZW
Fundraising for LIVE2020
Fundraising for Syrië 12-12
Blood collection in AB with Rode Kruis Vlaanderen
Editors For Life to benefit Oxfam
Fundraising for Kom Op Tegen Kanker
Fundraising for Hongersnood 12-12
DIW Kerstsoirée to benefit Te Gek!?
Fundraising for Viva For Life
De Warmste Soirée to benefit Cleane Kleren
Muse For Life to benefit Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Fundraising for ALS – Liga
Year-end Dinner to benefit Hobo day centre