The best concerts of 2016 selected by the AB team! Which concerts were unforgettable for you in 2016?
MON 19 DEC 16 | Stories
WIN duo-tickets for 'The Scabs Unplugged Power Off'!
TUE 13 DEC 16 | Contest
Hooverphonic and Belfius raise over 40,000 euros for Viva For Life
TUE 13 DEC 16 | Charity
WANTED: the biggest BΔSTILLE fan
WED 7 DEC 16 | Charity
Where does all your money for The 1000 km for Kom Op Tegen Kanker go?
TUE 6 DEC 16 | Charity
Micro-expo AB-resto - MIASMAH records – 10 years
TUE 22 NOV 16 | Stories
AB collected €19.000 for Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen and begins again with the collection for The 1000km for Kom Op Tegen Kanker!
TUE 8 NOV 16 | Charity
Practise your dance moves with this Neon playlist on Deezer
MON 7 NOV 16 | Stories
In remembrance of David McComb... The Triffids Live at AB - Ancienne Belgique
WED 26 OCT 16 | ABtv