Are you too suffering from a festival hangover and end-of-summer blues? Been listening to your radio with FOMO and despising your Instagram due to the plethora of festival videos?
Don’t worry, AB is here for you! Find out here which festival revelations will soon be on stage at AB:
SQUID – THU 07 SEP ‘23
Seen at Werchter:
'The horde of loyal fans who had taken up a post at the front of KluB C had the time of their lives, and granted they were right on the money. Squid played opener 'Narrator' like it was the closing act, intent on beating everyone senseless, themselves included. It's a track that, in the second half, keeps hitting the same nail until your palms bleed and your thumbs are crushed.' (De Morgen)
BLUAI – FRI 29 MRT ‘24
Seen at Pukkelpop:
'She is well on her way to becoming the Phoebe Bridgers of the Waasland area, with the rest of Bluai being her own Boygenius.' (De Standaard)
Bob Vylan gets the first ★★★★★ from Pukkelpop!
'In any event, Bobbie’s ferocious, sarcastic performance conjured to our mugs the type of demonic grin that we used to reserve exclusively for Bill Hicks or fledgling Rage Against The Machine, way back in the days when animals still spoke. Those who came to maturity with us in the nineties were surely also thinking of like-minded noisemakers such as Senser, Dub War and Techno Animal.' (De Morgen)
M. CHUZI – WO 4 OKT ’23
'This edition of Couleur Café commenced with M.CHUZI, that played its funky jazz in its very own backyard. The band were cheered onto the stage by a few friends, where the horns then launched straight into the first song. M.CHUZI celebrated the band's fifth anniversary at Couleur Café with a relaxed, upbeat set in which it even briefly shared the stage with a man dressed as a chilli pepper.' (Dansende Beren)
Seen at Couleur Café :
'The way that Ayra Starr was able to engage the audience, made it clear that she’s already a big star in Nigeria. There were just as many fans here to chant her name. The impressive dance moves weren’t only happening on stage either. Strategically, Ayra’s big international hit “Rush” was saved for last.' - Dansende Beren
Seen at Werchter:
'Mayorga has only four songs out at the moment, but one of them knocked Linkin Park off the throne in the De Afrekening. On The Slope, the winner of de Nieuwe Lichting came to present her calling card. She can expect a phone call.' (De Standaard)
Seen at Pukkelpop:
'A guitar band that forces a breakthrough at Pukkelpop? High Vis proves it can still be done' (De Standaard)
'Né sur les cendres de divers groupes issus de la scène hardcore londonienne (dont il garde parfois quelques réflexes), High Vis est l’une des nouvelles sensations de la scène rock britannique. Moins violent que son curriculum vitae le laisse entendre, High Vis sent bon le nord de l’Angleterre et les guitares de Manchester. Plus proche des Stone Roses que d’Oasis, High Vis jouera le 15 octobre à l’Ancienne Belgique.' (Le Focus Vif)
'Started from the bedroom now they’re here: Kids With Buns had moeite met te geloven dat ze op Pukkelpop stonden. Hun show was een vroege opsteker voor iedereen die ooit last had om zichzelf te zijn.' (De Standaard)