Spring is here, the sun is here. So this is time of the year when our riders grab their bike from its winter rack and lubricate their calves. The time of the year to train again for the 1000 km of Kom Op Tegen Kanker!
The stakes are high. During the Ascension weekend (from May 29 to June 1), alongside their fellow participants, our cyclists ride for the fight against cancer for four days. Through wind and rain, warm and cold, along valley and over mountain. Support them, because supporting the battle against cancer costs money.

Fortunately, you can help us. The net proceeds from the 1000 km go to cancer research that has a direct impact on the quality of life and survival chances of people with cancer. That is much needed, as every year there are more than 76,000 Belgians are informed that they have cancer.
To be able to take part, each team has to pledge a considerable amount of money.
You can support us:
- by making a donation: online via this link or by way of a deposit into the bank account of Kom op tegen Kanker BE14 7331 9999 9983, with the comment 'GIFT' (important!) and the nine-digit code of our team: 350000606
- by buying a beautiful OH LA LA LA bike helmet
- by ordering the legendary Rosé De Vlaeminck
- by buying a box of delicious Valentino pralines during the concerts of: Gabriel Rios (11/03) – Ry X (17/03) – ECHT! (20.03) – Vive La Fête (23/03) – Skunk Anansie (25/03) – AMENRA (26/03)
So, plenty of options! Thanking you already, for your support, and see you at the 1000 km for Kom op Tegen Kanker?