One year prior to the death of Alan Lomax, filmmaker Rogier Kappers paid a visit to the legendary folklorist. The viewer is witness to a moving meeting, a stroke had damaged Lomax’ brain and resulted in him no longer being able to speak. In this documentary, Kappers follows in the footsteps of his great example. With the assistance of an old Volkswagen and recording material, he travels through Europe looking for the singers that Lomax himself had recorded. His passion leads him to solitary Scottish islands, the dry heart of Spain and isolated Italian mountain ranges. It quickly becomes apparent that tracing the people and their music is an enormous task. However, at times he discovers musical gems: aged farmers, workers, housewives and herders pull the most beautiful songs out of their sleeves. Alongside this search, together with colleagues and friends of Lomax, Kappers sketches an image of The Songhunter. Throughout the documentary we frequently come into contact with a weakened but contented 86 year-old Lomax. This intense, musical road movie slowly gives us an insight into the mysterious character of folk music and also Lomax’ passion and life's work.
'The Songhunter'
Thursday 10 September – 11:30pm
Read more about the Alan Lomax tribute here.
Alan Lomax on Canvas
TUE 8 SEP 09 | Stories
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